Welcome to Twin Cities AHOU
Celebrating 70 years & counting!
Welcome to Twin Cities AHOU
Celebrating 70 years & counting!
Celebrating 70 years & counting!
Celebrating 70 years & counting!
The purpose of the Twin Cities Association of Home Office Underwriters (TCAHOU) is to provide an opportunity for professional expansion of underwriting knowledge and principles to individual members through lectures, discussions and sharing of presentation papers, etc. It is intended that the membership meetings will stimulate and increase thinking relative to underwriting concepts, procedures and practices.
Click here to view your program committee and board members
Click here for educational opportunities, conference details and more!
Click here to add or update your information in the TCAHOU directory
Questions about membership, meetings or other miscellaneous things?
Email us at twincitiesahou@gmail.com
2024-2025 Officers:
Lori Walker- President
Cami Taylor - Vice President
Sonny Moreno - Secretary
Samantha Miller- Treasurer
Program Committee
Andrea Nelson
Edward Sheehan
Jessica Vitale
Angie Holm
Debby Bienias
Tonia Lee
Adam Jacobson
Anne Bunkers
Jennifer Richards
Jordan Jonassen
Past President Committee
Jane Dwyer
Duane Lindahl
Angela Thieschafer
Lauren Ballantine
Kate Condon
Melissa McDevitt